a pocket full of rhinestones

Thursday, January 22, 2004

Fascinating -

So my first blog. I feel that I should be teary-eyed and yet I remain aloof. I say to myself

"self - I don't really need a blog to tell the world what I'm thinking and participate in a strangely exhibitionist display of my life"

My self simply shrugs and replies

"of course you do - if you didn't crave that kind of attention why are we here?"

"because we were forced into it - peer pressure is an amazingly persuasive force"

"you're just saying that to justify your own tendencies - don't shrug at me - I know you too well for that!"

"perhaps you are right - I hate it when you're right - I am simply a self-serving attention whore"

"well, so am I"

"damn right"


so now that I've cleared up that inner conflict, I am able to move on into blogdom.



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