a pocket full of rhinestones

Thursday, March 24, 2005

I will not be stressed.. I will not be stressed... I will not be...

So here's why I've been underground for the past week or two... verbally, at least. Pardon the stream - of - consciousness.

Match day- Boyfriend is coming to Chicago! Good News! now frantic looking for apartments is beginning.

Parents - causing massive amounts of stress in the apartment getting process as they refuse to remember that I am 26, know my way around Chicago, and can choose a safe place to live - Fights pending...

Birthday - causing a string of houseguests that are both a welcome distraction and causes of a compulsive need to clean and procrastinate

Orals - consuming life force... 7 weeks, 3 days to go. Unholy number of books to read. Impossible and irritating tendency to avoid working on them at all costs.

Car - Accident (minor), which lost air resonator; Bent rim on right front tire, losing air; gas prices rising as I have to drive more. Cost: er... upwards of $200.

Money - always a crappy situation - thinking of getting a job as a bartender in the evenings (although I have no skills whatsoever); taxes; bills; debt; emergency room bills; car insurance; gas; repairs; etc. etc.

Crafts - sudden overwhelming desire to be extremely crafty that is intefering with everything. Messenger bag of denim, soap, presents for friends, soup, drawing, painting, etc.

Friends - Kerri -- give her big hugs whenever you see her, her poor poor abused tooth is being cruel to her; Allyson, Karin, Noelle, Stephanie, Amber, Jett, and all of the other wonderful people that I want to spend more time with and who I have been neglecting - I love you all.

Stress - cropping up in the strangest of places, but becoming all pervasive and consuming (most of which I cannot discuss on this public forum). Pardon the facial tics - I am here, I am working, I am holding on to sanity and that is what matters.

So -- I beg you to humor me for awhile and just let me be as strange as I am - I will be normal(ish) again soon, I promise.



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