a pocket full of rhinestones

Friday, March 11, 2005

Ok folks.

So I'm sick - like, friggin flu sick - like I don't even care that I used the word "friggin" a moment ago sick.

I don't usually get sick, so when I do, I go down hard. Like a watermelon set atop a stack of marshmallows.

I also had my last class today, which was really very fun. We sat around and chatted and ate candy and pretzels and drank Diet Coke (which has been pointed out by one of my students as the academic beverage of choice - seriously, look around the department - what is everyone drinking? Diet Coke).

Anyway - I will miss them all, as they are delightful and wonderfully smart and my first class ever --- sigh...

But I'm sure that I won't be that nostalgic when I get their final papers to grade.

Currently, I am in the reg and thinking about how tired I am and how I'm going to curl up when I get home. On my nice, comfy, couch -- with a cup of soup -- and, er... soda -- oooh, and ice-cream. That sounds delicious.

For now? Hunting books - I'm going to try the sneak-attack this time. Every time I let them know I'm coming they scamper away.


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