a pocket full of rhinestones

Sunday, March 06, 2005


So this morning I look out the window (actually it was this afternoon, as I am a late sleeper) and see someone walking by in a T-SHIRT! I throw open the window and breathe the warmish 60 degree semi-spring air.

And then I couldn't get anything done for the rest of the day. I read the stories that my students are writing on for their final papers and got through the intro to Burke's Philosophical Inquiry into blah blah blah Sublime and Beautiful.

I had a small vision in the shower of how to map out my counter-aesthetics. I ate soup. I played on the internet. I called friends. I went to the store to get ice-cream. I watched "Event Horizon" (a fairly amusing 90's sci-fi horror flick about a ship that opens up interdimensional space). I jumped on my bed. I cleaned my kitchen. I thought up a way to make tiaras from any of my necklaces -- and pins. I hopped around my apartment on one foot. Spring makes me jumpy.

In all about 3 hours of work in my whole day. I couldn't even sit still enough to grade rewrites. I hear that it's supposed to get very cold very soon. The icy cold makes me hide in my bedroom under layers of covers and eat soup - the spring air makes me run all around my apartment and do crafts. If this weather keeps changing like this I won't even be able to write a sentence without stopping to jump up and down on my bed.


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