My blog is pointless.
What a wonderful thing to read after having yet another conversation about my current state of depression and frustration with the bullshit that makes up a graduate career (see comment on previous post).
I'm attempting to not slip back into the bitterness that consumed my personality at the UofC, but frankly, I'm having a rough time of it.
So - Coxxy, Fuck you. I write because this is one of the few places where I can say a few nice things, entertain my friends, and waste time while I attempt to avoid grading papers, reading for my orals, and dealing with pedagogical bullshit. In addition, fuck you because you made me feel even more crappy on a day when I really didn't need to feel crappy. And Fuck you because not everything that I write has to be politically, anthropologically, sociologically, historically, morally, or even entertainingly relevant - I write enough on enough depressing history and politics during the day (see: gothicist) for that shit to completely control my outside life too.
Case in point, I just had to ask the boyfriend for a detailed account of how one is "hanged by the neck until dead" so that I can relate the subtleties inherent in Bierce's telling of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". Speaking of which - the force of a70kg man falling about 1.5 meters is about 686 newtons, which shoves your odontiod process [bony appendage to 2nd cervical vertebrae] through your spinal column. If it doesn’t work on the first drop (the major force), then you strangle to death. I have to know this bullshit to back up my reading of the subtleties of the speaker's relationship to his strangulation vs. actual hanging as it relates to his vision of the grey eyes of the federal solider that shoots at him (the confederate vs. federal troops in the civil war) and his obsession with "grey"- thus his obsession with the south destroying itself perhaps because he is secretly opposed to slavery (because really he should have been in the military). Blah Blah Blah. All for my students all for tomorrow - what a charming conversation to have with my love - and he knows all of this because he had to take apart a human being piece by piece.
So if my life isn't depressing enough - then you come along to make it just a little more shitty. I am not required to account for my usage of this free webspace, nor am I required to live up to some random blogging standard.
So fucking fuck off you arrogant fucker.
And don't read my blog.
I'm attempting to not slip back into the bitterness that consumed my personality at the UofC, but frankly, I'm having a rough time of it.
So - Coxxy, Fuck you. I write because this is one of the few places where I can say a few nice things, entertain my friends, and waste time while I attempt to avoid grading papers, reading for my orals, and dealing with pedagogical bullshit. In addition, fuck you because you made me feel even more crappy on a day when I really didn't need to feel crappy. And Fuck you because not everything that I write has to be politically, anthropologically, sociologically, historically, morally, or even entertainingly relevant - I write enough on enough depressing history and politics during the day (see: gothicist) for that shit to completely control my outside life too.
Case in point, I just had to ask the boyfriend for a detailed account of how one is "hanged by the neck until dead" so that I can relate the subtleties inherent in Bierce's telling of "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". Speaking of which - the force of a70kg man falling about 1.5 meters is about 686 newtons, which shoves your odontiod process [bony appendage to 2nd cervical vertebrae] through your spinal column. If it doesn’t work on the first drop (the major force), then you strangle to death. I have to know this bullshit to back up my reading of the subtleties of the speaker's relationship to his strangulation vs. actual hanging as it relates to his vision of the grey eyes of the federal solider that shoots at him (the confederate vs. federal troops in the civil war) and his obsession with "grey"- thus his obsession with the south destroying itself perhaps because he is secretly opposed to slavery (because really he should have been in the military). Blah Blah Blah. All for my students all for tomorrow - what a charming conversation to have with my love - and he knows all of this because he had to take apart a human being piece by piece.
So if my life isn't depressing enough - then you come along to make it just a little more shitty. I am not required to account for my usage of this free webspace, nor am I required to live up to some random blogging standard.
So fucking fuck off you arrogant fucker.
And don't read my blog.
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