a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, February 23, 2004

Oh my, everyone seems to have a blog stalker but me.

I don't know if I should consider it fashionable, odd, or just a little bit strange, but it seems that blogdom is also random-hookups-with-people-much-younger-than-you-dom, and interestingly I have been left out of the trend. It's just as well - I really don't need a stalker, it's just one of those things that amuses and yet mystifies me.

Apparently no one has an explanation of the wink phenomenon that I mentioned earlier - Winks can be very mischievous and the general consensus amongst my friends is that the wink was version (1), the "knowing wink". Which although rather creepy is yet odd and slightly strange. Ah well. I do have class tomorrow, however, and we shall see what happens then.

Oh, and I just have to say that although I never fancied myself a dog person, I met a golden retriever today who through her totally exuberant joyfulness ( and random need to bark, run in circles, and jump up on people) has changed my mind. I am thus proclaiming both my cat-person and dog-personness for the world to enjoy (or if not enjoy, find mildly confusing and forget immediately).

I found this delightful picture at the bookstore the other day, and upon paying for it, getting it into my car and commenting on it to Anne, she promptly replied (as her first impression of the picture) "she's shaved." I attempted to deny this (the picture being of a goddess reclining on a throne with a draped cloth covering the more unmentionable unmentionables) but on further inspection, I have to agree that she is right. Which leads me to two mildly interesting conclusions, one of which I exclaimed to Anne in response to her comment, and the other that I am really drawn to strange art.

Alas, it is just part of the melange of strangeness, odd habits, whimsical dress, bizarre interests and confused metaphors that is me.


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