a pocket full of rhinestones

Thursday, May 13, 2004


I have never been a person to be laid low by allergies, but this week has been hell.

I don't know what the heck kind of mutated spores of alien sneezing dust and demented tree pollen has been kicked up by the charming May showers of late, but I am feelin' the pain. Oh man. Never before have so many trees died to service my nasal passages.

Sorry to be such a pessimist, but this week has really been quite lousy. Monday was, er, Mondaylike - and as such prompted my detainment in Hyde Park far past my normal hour so that I could talk to my professor.

Tuesday was better, with a delightful dinner at The Snail (which has damn fine ginger chicken) but I don't know if it was the weather or what, but I was starting to feel a little under said meteorological disturbances, and so an evening in the park prompted (I believe) this dual cold / allergies and general attendant exhaustion and grumpiness.

I knew that it was bad on Wednesday when people walked up to me and just gave me hugs instead of asking how I was doing. They all think that it is my papers (which, I can't say are weighing Lightly on my mind), and frankly the studying hasn't been doing me much good.

Today was another all-day studyfest at the Northwestern library (paralleled by yesterday's all-day archivefest at the Regenstein [and I might add for the edification of people inclined to find microfiches there - don't bother - it is a hopeless mess in the microform room]. I read for my classes next week, I experienced the joys of writing an outline, and I labored over my bibliography.

-- also a minor note of note: Everyone, calm down. I feel as though I have been repeating this over and over to everyone so I might as well say it here. All of the drama, all of the problems, all of the stress is merely the friction caused when everyone is hanging by these little threads of rope at the end of the spring quarter. We are all tired, we are all fried, we all have the summer itch of warm days pressing against our detention in the library, we have all been on the gossip mill for entirely too long, this weather is surely enough to unhinge one's mind, and tempers at the end of the quarter are bound to flare. In short -- for your own sanity and that of those around you, let everything go. Don't take offense - as no offense is meant. Don't spread the gossip - as the gossip will only hurt feelings. Don't worry about your papers - you have them well in hand (and if not, the emptiness of summer beckons). Take your books outside, sit down in the sunshine, free your mind from all of the drama, and finish your work. Then stride into the summer leaving all of this behind you so that you can come back refreshed, consolidated, and with a lot more rope underneath you.

This isn't to be pretentious - I certainly need to take my own advice. Just know that you are all rock stars. I have never before been surrounded by so many intelligent and fucking astounding people in my life. Every single person in this program has a flicker, a shine of wonder that (when polished) will turn out to be light in these dark days of scholarship. I mean it. You people rock.


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