a pocket full of rhinestones

Friday, April 30, 2004

KT, GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW! I'm going to count to three... one... two...

Yesterday was my mental health day for the week. I abandoned Evanston for the delights of flat and muddy Wisconsin. Waking in the morning and looking up at my ceiling I thought to myself

"Self - you really should go to the library"

The part of myself that is 6 years old (KT) proclaimed loudly (while stamping her foot with great impiousness on the floor):

"Don't wanna!"

"Now, be rational little KT - you have all of these papers to write, orals lists to construct, reading to do, you can't simply deny these responsibilities to play around all day." (a disapproving frown from me cast at my younger self was supposed to drive this point home with due seriousness)

"Pbttttt!" Hands on hips "I wanna play, I wanna go outside - the sun! the trees! antiques! estate sales! donuts! liqour! YOU NEVER PLAY ANY MORE!"

Another disapproving frown "But KT, we played this weekend..." There was nothing to be done. She sat in the middle of the bed, wrapped in a rubber ducky bespangled blanket refusing to look at any more theory until I took her out to play.

"Ok, just this once, but then you have to be good ALL WEEKEND."


That was it. We called up Allyson, took off for Racine, attacked antique stores, looted thrift stores, and pillaged a beach on Lake Michigan for shiny objects. Donuts were eaten, alcohol was drunk, and "Tomb Raider" was watched. KT has promised to be good for the rest of the weekend, and I have promised not to ignore her so much.

Apparently the elusive Katie is a 6 year old with a surly temperment and a penchant for shiny objects.

And I like her.


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