a pocket full of rhinestones

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Ok, folks - I have an admission to make. This weekend was the first time ever that I became drunk enough to be sick. I know, I know, you're all saying "KT, you're like - 25, that's rather pathetic". Pathetic in a dual way, my friends, pathetic in a dual way: (1) I should know better by now and (2) I should have had this experience when I was 18 and left it behind me. This is all part of my delayed aging process due to utter geekieness in high school and undergrad. By my personal estimate I am 19 years old, slowly moving up on the 20 mark. This all just goes to show you that school is bad for your social health.

In any case, multiple parties this weekend interspersed with 12 hour study sessions (yay folklore). There was a very laid back and charming "gathering" of people from Northwestern to which I was invited on Friday night at somewhere called The Hopleaf. They make good White Russians there, and everything would have been just fine if we hadn't started shots of tequila. Needless to say, this was my evening of drunken stupor (paralleled interestingly by the drunken rambunctiousness of my Chicago friends post-tequila at the second party at Stephanie's). Speaking of which - I have to say, this was probably the best party of the year. There was plenty of DELICIOUS food, margaritas, sangria, tequila, salsa, guacamole (My GOD the guacamole) - in short - everything to make an evening worthwhile. And all of this was as nothing compared to the coolness of the people there (many from U of C and many from elsewhere).

There was also dancing. I think I sprained my ass shaking my hips so much.

In any caseā€¦ Today was a charming afternoon with my parents wandering around Chicago and generally hitting all of the delicious, enchanting, exciting, odd, and fun places between Evanston and boystown. A good time was had by all, and now I can always entice them back down here with promises of ice-cream from the Marble Slab Creamery.

Good weekend--- Goooood weekend.

Soon to be obliterated by the horrors of the last three weeks of paper push

But for now... life is good.


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