a pocket full of rhinestones

Friday, January 07, 2005

Captain's log, stardate er... whenever: addendum

So after writing my perky post-teaching post I attempted to remove a zip-tie from some packaging material using a trusty folding knife.

I bet you all know what's coming.

Of course I cut myself with said knife for about 1in across my thumb (1/8 in deep). I pull out the knife and walk over to the bathroom and have this internal conversation:

"self, that has to be one of the moronic things that you have ever done"
"tops off a great day, don't it?"
"yeah - um... this doesn't look so good"
"no, it doesn't"
"should we go to the ER?"
"call the boyfriend - he'll know what to do"

having formed this resolution staring at my reflection in the mirror, I grabbed a clean towel, put my thumb way way above my head and grabbed the cell.

My wonderful and concerned boy thought I would need stitches for that size cut.


So I change clothes, pack up some books, and wander over to the Northwestern ER. - The people were delightful, and they had me out of there in less than an hour (not a busy night).

There was really only one problem. I'm allergic to lidocane. That means no anesthetic, folks. I can say with absolute certainty that really - stitches hurt like a bitch.

now I am back at home and my whole arm aches. And I need to get dinner. And I didn't get my liquor. I think I can think of a good way to solve all of these problems together. It's off to a pub for me tonight.


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