Anger RISING....
So the student health care makes me want to vomit frogs.
I wish them all third nipples in really inconvenient places (like their right cheek), or possibly that they sit down on newly varnished benches in white pants.
So apparently, although the deadline for re-enrollment in insurance plan of crap is October 7, I went to the pharmacy today and they told me that I was not an "active" member of Aetna.
So I go and see the nice ladies in the administrative building here on campus who sweetly tell me that I have to re-enroll in order to get my benefits (FOR WHICH I AM STILL COVERED, AND FOR WHICH I HAVE ALREADY PAID) and that even if I confirm my re-enrollment today they can't possibly cover my meds until weeks from now so I have to pay for them out of pocket and then bring reciepts back to the UofC to talk to them and get a $@#&*(%#^*( refund.
Steph - your idea sounds faboo, and if I can get away with 2 readers, my life would be exceellent - although if not, I will try to get WXYZ.
But mostly argh.
and ugh.
Currently working on thinking up something to say to my preceptees. Advice received from dept. "you'll muddle through".
need... liquor...
I wish them all third nipples in really inconvenient places (like their right cheek), or possibly that they sit down on newly varnished benches in white pants.
So apparently, although the deadline for re-enrollment in insurance plan of crap is October 7, I went to the pharmacy today and they told me that I was not an "active" member of Aetna.
So I go and see the nice ladies in the administrative building here on campus who sweetly tell me that I have to re-enroll in order to get my benefits (FOR WHICH I AM STILL COVERED, AND FOR WHICH I HAVE ALREADY PAID) and that even if I confirm my re-enrollment today they can't possibly cover my meds until weeks from now so I have to pay for them out of pocket and then bring reciepts back to the UofC to talk to them and get a $@#&*(%#^*( refund.
Steph - your idea sounds faboo, and if I can get away with 2 readers, my life would be exceellent - although if not, I will try to get WXYZ.
But mostly argh.
and ugh.
Currently working on thinking up something to say to my preceptees. Advice received from dept. "you'll muddle through".
need... liquor...
same horrid thing happened to me. go to Mary Gaffney on 2nd floor of the Admin building -- she will berate you but help you get a reimbursement.
and it's true about the 2 readers thing -- you don't ever even have to get a 3rd, though i hear it's better for rec letter purposes.
p.s. what is this 'word verification' thing for?
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM
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