More grading.
Ok, all but 2 of the theses graded - 22 midterms to go.
More bitterness to follow:
Dear Student,
This paper exists, for me, in a state of liminality - it doesn't wholly suck, and yet, it is not good. Your argument, while wholly adequate for the task, is still appallingly benign. Your analysis, while technically complete enough to make your point, has all the enthusiasm of unflavored gelatin. Your style, while clear, is as flavorless as ginger ale. Your paper is, in fact, the kind of unoffensive clear broth given to those who have the intellectual equivalent of severe food poisoning. After reading the papers of your peers, it was just the thing to make me less angry and more sleepy. I would finish commenting, but I have fallen asleep twice while thinking of something to say.
Your TA
More bitterness to follow:
Dear Student,
This paper exists, for me, in a state of liminality - it doesn't wholly suck, and yet, it is not good. Your argument, while wholly adequate for the task, is still appallingly benign. Your analysis, while technically complete enough to make your point, has all the enthusiasm of unflavored gelatin. Your style, while clear, is as flavorless as ginger ale. Your paper is, in fact, the kind of unoffensive clear broth given to those who have the intellectual equivalent of severe food poisoning. After reading the papers of your peers, it was just the thing to make me less angry and more sleepy. I would finish commenting, but I have fallen asleep twice while thinking of something to say.
Your TA
Dear Student,
Your sparkling wit reminds me of a young Ayn Rand. I am, of course, fully aware that anything I can possibly say in any language will be construed as further evidence of my "liberal" "bias" and that I am probably guilty of exploiting people's feelings of kindness and charity for the express purpose of leading them down the road to serfdom. That said, your analysis of Women in Love--and specifically the claim that Gerald Crich is a "free market hero"--appears to ignore several key elements of the novel.
Lee, at 1:24 PM
Dude, I heart Women in Love. Of course, I only saw the movie. Naked wrestling! Interpretive dance! Funny eye make-up! Ambiguously gay duos!
It's totally going on my orals list.
J, at 1:55 PM
Ah. The bile is flowing.
Come on folks - I know that there's more.
katie, at 6:16 PM
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