a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, April 09, 2007

So I haven't updated in a loooong time

Because my life has been moving reeeeallly fast.

So. here's the rocket-update.

1) The boyfriend became the Fiancee in January
2) The Fiancee left me in the first week of April
3) I am suddenly single again after 8 years.

4) and I'm thinking of moving to Madison
5) and getting a Job in academic administration
6) and getting a pair of cats (Buttons and Snaps)
7) and having romances with new people.
8) While I finish writing my dissertation.
9) and then *possibly* going to medical school
10) although at the moment I still need to finish out the quarter and the 6? 7? jobs I am currently working.

So that's the update, the info, and the scoop - and it is also why I have been dramatically incognito for the past few months.

But.... I think that things are going to be OK.


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