a pocket full of rhinestones

Thursday, April 01, 2004


Read Last of the Mohicans from 10am to 7pm today (with various breaks for food, etc..) Accompanying articles to be read tomorrow.

Usually it wouldn't take me this long to read a 400 page book, but I think that I may have fallen asleep at the more boring parts. And there are BORING parts. Let's just say that I read all of Robinson Crusoe without once getting bored (such is my stamina for tedium in books) and I STILL found Mohicans incredibly dull in places. We go up the hill, we go down the hill, we go through the trees, etc. Let it be known that Cooper is second only to Tolkien in fascination with the most boring details of an otherwise thrilling story (leading a perfectly good tale to inevitable tedium). I think that the LOTR movies did nothing but improve on Tolkien's works; by rendering visually the thousand words that Tolkien uses to express each picture.

Haven't seen the movie "Last of the Mohicans" but I bet it sucks.

In any case, fun was had yesterday - and the lingering smell of pizza and liquor fill my apartment. Good friends, good food, good gossip - what more could you want from an evening?


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