a pocket full of rhinestones

Sunday, March 28, 2004

Ahhhh. Weekend

Ok, this has to be, hands down, the best birthday that I ever ever had.


Dinner at Portabella off of State Street (unbelievable food, lots of it, waitresses that really are pleased to help you, and an art-nouveau atmosphere that makes me want to move my stuff in and make a cot out of the plush booths – oh, and garlic olive oil for dipping your bread - delicious)

State Street bars: Stillwaters, Monday's, Paul's Culb, The State, and the Beautiful BW3 – i.e. nowhere skanky. Stillwaters has booths that feel like you’re sitting inside a wine barrel (not a bad thing). Monday’s is your basic Irish pub. Paul’s Club has a huge fake tree “growing” out of the bar with branches that cover the entire ceiling (complete with leaves). The State is your basic 3 floor neon-lighted night club. And, frankly, I have already dedicated an entire entry to the delightfulness that is BW3.

The well-intentioned but grossly inaccurate rendering of a "sex on the beach" using 8 (yes 8) different fruit liqueurs. The other bartenders were watching over my waitress's shoulder making helpful comments like "what are you making?" and "are you sure?" It was unholy nasty, but as my boyfriend says “it’ll get you drunk”.

Sweet Sweet BBQ chicken wings.

My boyfriend and I sharing a Monte Cristo cigar from the ever-charming Knuckleheads as we walked back down lakeshore path.

That last tequila shooter.

Drunkenly singing songs from "Guys and Dolls" on the way home


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