a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, March 29, 2004


Today was prospective student day. This is the day when I get all geared up to tell people the truth about my program in a way that doesn't make it sound like the "circle of hell that Dante forgot". This includes statements such as: “it's really academically rigorous”, “it’s intellectually challenging”, and “you will learn more here than anywhere else” (all true, and yet not the whole truth).

Actually, I'm in a much better place with my schooling than I used to be, so the bitterness is at a minimum. But I do let them know some things about where is not a good place to live (Hyde Park), what they should attempt to avoid if they join the program, good people to work with, not so good people to work with, and generally the idea that Hyde Park is evil and you must find outside activities to temper your schooling (besides the ever-interesting love affair with alcohol). Basically I'm full-throttle promoting the "balanced" grad. student life (if this is possible, I've heard that some people even manage it?!)

And the food was delicious. I'm telling you, they pull out all the stops for prospective students. There was salmon, hummus, mushrooms florentine, 5 kinds of beer, free beer all night, wines of every flavor, Perrier, exotic desserts including something chocolate and delicious with prickly pear - it was good. I don't know if it's the "grass is greener" effect, but I'm feeling like I didn't get this good a spread as a prospie. Ah well...

Classes look good, social life is in high gear and I am looking at the first day behind me of my last quarter EVER of classes. Yipee (this yipee to be tempered later by seminar papers, lectures, and massive amounts of reading [check back for the bitter KT]). Ahhh first week.


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