a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, June 14, 2004

New Quarter Resolutions

This seems to happen to me during every vacation - prior to the work that will be rained down upon my head in the quarter to come. I resolve to do x where x includes one of the following:

cook every night
clean my apartment on a more regular basis
do something different with my hair
spend more time on non-shchool activities
lose 10 pounds
save the world
get published
write a bestselling novel
become a supermodel
develop magical powers
clean my carpet

some more plausible than others, all impossible to manage. In the vain attempt to attend to at least one of the list, I have dragged from Racine a Health Rider. It sounds naughty, and looks like a torture device. I'm fairly sure that it could easily break arms and / or legs, although it was suggested to me as a low-impact workout. We shall see. So far it has been quite high impact, as I impacted it on my shins, my thighs, my shoulder, and my head (low doorway) attempting to get it up the three flights to my apartment.

now on to saving the world!


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