So the fun continues.
I really would like to say that this week has been a delight, but frankly, it has not been all that peachy keen.
For example, I got up this morning at 6:30 because of an impassioned plea from the boy to help find his glasses (left, we found later, in the bathroom). Without them he is blind, so his solo search for glasses had already taken him 20 min. This means that he needed a ride to work - so that's ok. We pile into the car, I drive him to the hospital, and then I take off for the Bourgeois Pig (where I currently sit on a comfortable couch).
But then I get this email - you see, the person for whom I am supposed to be an intern this quarter is in France for the first week. And well, she wants me to take over the first 2 classes. Apparently the information is on the syllabus (emailed to me), but all that I can find is a list of books and dates. So I'm supposed to start teaching the Apology on Thursday? I don't know anything about how I would even begin to teach Plato. Er... And I don't know what she wants the class to know as its hello-its-the-first-day-administrative-crap. So, yeah. I don't think that this will go really well.
Tonight? Racine. Tomorrow - Racine.
Sunday - helping the charming Karin pack her house and possibly going to the countercraft fair.
And then? Teaching.
I really would like to say that this week has been a delight, but frankly, it has not been all that peachy keen.
For example, I got up this morning at 6:30 because of an impassioned plea from the boy to help find his glasses (left, we found later, in the bathroom). Without them he is blind, so his solo search for glasses had already taken him 20 min. This means that he needed a ride to work - so that's ok. We pile into the car, I drive him to the hospital, and then I take off for the Bourgeois Pig (where I currently sit on a comfortable couch).
But then I get this email - you see, the person for whom I am supposed to be an intern this quarter is in France for the first week. And well, she wants me to take over the first 2 classes. Apparently the information is on the syllabus (emailed to me), but all that I can find is a list of books and dates. So I'm supposed to start teaching the Apology on Thursday? I don't know anything about how I would even begin to teach Plato. Er... And I don't know what she wants the class to know as its hello-its-the-first-day-administrative-crap. So, yeah. I don't think that this will go really well.
Tonight? Racine. Tomorrow - Racine.
Sunday - helping the charming Karin pack her house and possibly going to the countercraft fair.
And then? Teaching.
That's completely crazy. I'd be foaming at the mouth if I got that e-mail.
I'm sure you know this, but she's completely out of line asking that of you. If you say no, she's the one who's going to be in shit with the college. In fact, if she's an adjunct or a Harper Fellow (i.e., no tenure) she'll probably be fired for missing the first week of classes. Anyway, the real point is that a writing intern doesn't get paid to teach those classes.
Lee, at 12:40 PM
Nope - she's super famous.
I'm totally foaming, but what can I do?
Gah. I forwarded l'email to the writing program and we'll see what they say about it.
Thanks for the encouragement, tho - it's nice to know I'm not insane in thinking that this is batshit.
katie, at 1:16 PM
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