a pocket full of rhinestones

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Behold! - and there were three orals advisors
Behold! - and they are all willing to help
Behold! - and they are awesomely cool people

A triumvirate of power (I hope) has been amassed such that I can now move along my tour through the flaming hoops of grad school with at least a little more assurance.

I ambushed my professor today. We were meeting at Starbucks to talk about my presentation, and in the middle of our 2 hour (!) conversation about various and sundry things I essentially said "I have a confession to make - I brought you here to ambush you into being my orals advisor." She laughed, I laughed, and now I never have to do that again.

Frankly, there is something about choosing an orals advisor that is like proposing or agreeing to a death-pact or something. It's oddly frustrating to find just the right time to ask, you're nervous, you don't know what to say--- it's really odd.

Thank god it's over with.

In any case - I spent the rest of the afternoon looking up and photocopying random items in the Northwestern University library: digging through ancient volumes of fairy, witchcraft, ghost, brownie, and bogyman lore. Pretty interesting stuff.

And tonight I am wishing that I were hanging out with people and not books. Guess it's white Russians and "Tomb Raider" or perhaps "Galaxy Quest".


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