a pocket full of rhinestones

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Oh man - 9th week.

I looked back at my blog the other day -- winding my way through the archives and charting (as if on a line graph - I'm thinking a little wiggly red line here) my moods as the quarters go on. The little red line goes up once the quarter is over, but previous to that it acts as if it were a positively accurate depiction of the crash of 1929. I'm fairly sure that much more of this will give me irreversible facial tics.

I fled to Madison this weekend - and it was good despite the Tornado Warning

(note the capitalization - in my childhood, Tornadoes were something of a terror. I have vivid memories of packing up my pictures, a pillow, and a bunch of my random "valuables" (think plastic rings and teddy bears here) and heading into the basement to spend a dreary evening listening to the hail on the roof, and watching the sky turn green. There are also inexplicable memories of sitting huddled by the wall-o-jeans at Shopko in the middle of my retail-clerk days while sirens blared overhead and the parking lot was coated in a rather rocky layer of hailstones. More traumatic memories of the time that I actually SAW a tornado forming while I WAS DRIVING TOWARDS IT also creep into my memories at these moments - ahhhh life in Wisconsin.)

In any case, a good time was had - and my boyfriend and I found out just why one shouldn't mix vodkatinis and cheeseburgers with pokey stix. Oh hangover.

I am currently sitting in the hematology lab of his med school thinking about the papers that I have to write this week and wishing that, like the UW Madison undergrads, I were on summer break. Oh - no summer break for you, KT - it's intensive summer LATIN! YAY! I could just enucleate for joy (I have on semi-fair authority that this means to have one's eyes pop out of one's head - med-school nomenclature is so amusing). In any case, much twitching and freaking out will occur this week - followed by brief moments of intoxication and impotent violent head / keyboard interaction. I will attempt to chronicle the path of pain, but frankly, I'm not sure that my keyboard will be in working order. If not - know that you are all in my thoughts this last week - and that Oatmeal Cream Pies, Mountain Dew, Dim Sum, and the pleasure of exploding Peeps in the microwave are surely reasons to live.


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