a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, July 05, 2004

Back In Action

For the day anyway...

So I haven't been posting because I have been all over the place this week. Boyfriend went home yesterday - which means that I spent the evening in Racine hanging out with my parents. Tomorrow, thrifting - Wednesday and Thursday, refinishing furniture (the aforementioned dentist cabinet for jewelry) - Friday, Dim sum with parents and switching of furniture (my family does this all the time) - Saturday and Sunday, hanging out with my Boyfriend again, and Next week? Working on my orals.

So today is cleaning my apartment. Bleah.

Yesterday while driving home, however, some interesting things happened. First - My boyfriend and I witnessed an accident on the toll way heading out of Evanston. I have to say, it was chilling. He, being the med student - practically leapt out of my still-moving car in order to run over and offer assistance. I called 911 and was transferred 3 times before police agreed to come out and have a look.

Everyone was ok, although I have to say - standing in the middle of the freeway during rush hour waiting to give a statement to police is a little interesting. Looking around, my boyfriend noticed various pieces of siding, cups, glass, insulating foam, etc. and commented “ah… this is where foam comes to die”. It’s these kind of moments that really stick with you.

Then, after dropping my boyfriend off I headed home only to have a couple of irritating youngsters on the side of the road shoot fireworks at my car. Little fuckers! As I was contemplating pulling over to give them the rough side of my tongue, they aimed at a passing truck, and the driver did the deed for me. Never have I seen a truck stop so fast.

Personally I hope that he gave them at least a 2 second head start, after all - they're just kids.

I would also like to indicate that this is the first 4th of July in 10 years that I didn't have to go watch the crappy Sturtevant fireworks display with a bunch of belligerent drunken people including (usually) my ex-boyfriend. It's amazing what a change of friends will do for your sanity.

Ok, enough of this for now - I'll just be on my way then.


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