a pocket full of rhinestones

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

So I'm in the Regenstein...

It is currently 4:36 by this computer, which makes me think that I probably should be somewhere else.

Today was a day of thrifting, of food, and of hanging-outness which I hope will continue well into the evening (assuming my random plans for dinner go off without too many hitches).

Items purchased:

(1) $1.50 red button-down shirt: I was assured by both Kerri and Stephanie that is was not a sin against fashion. Generally my sense of style as far as clothing is concerned is sub-par. I tend to gravitate towards things with laces, leather, and shiny objects - all of which are far more appropriate for street whore than grad student. Thus, I need help. Thus, I go shopping with others who are kind enough to say "Katie - Put that DOWN" and frown severely at me. When shopping by myself I tend to come home with silly things such as my snakeskin pleather pants, my pair of leather pants, my red snakeskin knee-high pleather boots, leather jackets, 50's double-knit dresses, corsets, and party gloves. Clearly I could outfit an entire theatrical production of "Cabaret" simply from my ill-advised thrift store mishaps.

(2) $5.00 hard side pleather suitcase with orange/peach lining: Really, it is a lot more cute than it sounds. This was recommended to me by Stephanie, who has a clear understanding of the need to store things and cute ways of doing so. I have a newfound respect for the humble suitcase as a decorative item. In any case, it needs a little windex and love and will soon become part of the happy jumble that is my living room (which, for anyone who is interested, I rearranged last night in a fit of random Martha Stewart-esque enthusiasm that is now utterly spent).

(3) $1.50 neck scarf with ladybugs and bees printed on it: I generally have a personal issue with insects being used as a decorative motif, but something about this piece spoke to me. I think it was the fact that the innocent and non-dangerous little ladybugs are twice the size of the dangerous and zippy little bumblebees. I like to see peace winning out in our world, no matter if it is only on my neckwear.

(4) There is no 4! This is unheard of in my universe. I don't know if the gods were smiling on me or what, but I got out of this adventure spending less than $20 (my usual minimum for a day of thrifting). This indicates to me that I wasn't trying hard enough - perhaps I need more cornflakes in my diet or something.

And a side note, to the man who kept walking up to me smiling and asking me if I liked random items of jewelry that he was trying on: the yellow earring really looks better with your outfit and you could probably clean it up because it has a silver setting, but rhinestones just aren't you, honey. I wanted to tell you this in the store, but you were a little scary and I was slightly put off by the fact that you seemed to be moving closer and closer to me when you talked. Also, you seemed to be upset by the fact that there was only one earring of the pair when you clearly have only one ear pierced. This is confusing to me: do you want to be able to change them when one gets - er - funky? If so, why are you buying them at a thrift shop? Do you want to share one with a friend? Then why don't you ask the friend what they would like instead of questioning a random girl looking at some silverware? Do you feel like you're getting cheated? But you only have one pierced ear!

Ah well.


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