a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, August 02, 2004

So, again, not the best day.

And in this case, it was almost all my fault.

You see, I began the day under the impression that German would be entertaining - but it was rather frustrating and not at all helpful (although I have learned the important fact that every rule in German has about 15 exceptions)

Then I lost my favorite pair of sunglasses. Should anyone want to aid me in my search - I seem to remember having them in the Regenstein, and not having them when I returned to my car, thus, I deduce that they must be in the Schtein (Yes, Watson!) They're probably on the 2nd floor or on the first floor by one of the computers. Black frames, pinky/purple rhinestones, pale purple lenses. I'll buy you lunch if you find them for me.

After that, or during that, or whatever, I did one of the most stupid things that I have ever done. I shorted out the (motherboard? floppy drive?) of my laptop, causing it to utterly fry and thus not even turn on. This is beyond my power to correct (as it is a laptop, and thus not easily accessable). Thus I had to trot it over to the NSIT people and explain to them that I fried this mother by sticking a nail file into the floppy drive while it was running in an effort to free a trapped diskette. Stupid? Oh yes. Do I feel dumb? Oh yes. Is the $35 just to figure out what the heck I fried going to teach me my lesson? Maybe. If my laptop survives the ordeal, it will have a brand new sticker on the top that states "Do not insert metal objects into computer, Really". The computer itself it nearing that point, however, when at its ancient 6 years old I should probably replace it. But the little bastard was free, and I don't really want to drop the cash on a new one right now. Thus the plan is to wait until the NSIT people call me back and let me know how much it will cost to fix before I decide to junk it, or fix it.

Or maybe, just maybe... if I fried the motherboard I can have them upgrade it with a better processor and a kickass video card. It's a pipe dream, I know - but hell - it's worth a shot.

I think that I'm taking this rather well (no screaming whatsoever), but on the up side I dindn't lose any major information, and all I'm losing in functionality is the ability to play my DVD's for awhile. In all, not so bad. If I were writing papers this would, obviously, be another story.

So now that I've rambled on about this for awhile, I'm going to go look around online for new systems that I can't afford.

Chat Later,


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