a pocket full of rhinestones

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh God am I bored.

So, yeah. I'm a sissy -- but there is nothing to do here.

I've already read most of a novel for my diss, surfed the internet endlessly, napped, looked at magazines, and it is only 4pm.

And I'm running out of magazines.

I was a little distressed this morning when the lady that took my food orders indicated that that little menu is the extent of my agency while here. "certainly she is exaggerating" I thought. Nope. I'm looking forward to dinner (she convinced me to get the ice cream) in a way that I have never looked forward to dinner before - as something to do.

By tomorrow I shall be insane.

Also, for the record, H. Rider Haggard's She is really, really grotesque in parts.

I'm particularly fond of the embalmed-people-torches, that will indubitably end up featured amongst the "hideous" in my dissertation.

I've also become an avid watcher of the EEG monitor. If I blink my eyes, it's recorded onscreen as a series of wiggles, and it is terrifically difficult to not play with this new understanding I have developed in order to make the monitor look interesting.


So. Clearly. Bored.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

So i'm sitting here in the hospital

Very exciting... Very, very, exciting.

Ok, not so much.

I have about 26 electrodes on my head and they have wrapped my head in gauze so that I really really look like a 19th century victim of a toothache - or possibly a battlefield casualty. I've got, like 3 different wristbands and an IV in my hand, and everything that I do is monitored by a video camera in the corner and onscreen with little wavy EEG lines.

This is pretty strange.

The boy went home for the evening (has to work tomorrow), so I'm pretty much going it solo tonight.

I have my mountain dew and a bunch of magazines to keep me company - and the internet. The internet is awesome.

So, yeah, things are strangeness on this end. On the up side I got to go out on a shopping spree today for fun stuff to entertain myself, shiny new pens, and a bunch of pajamas that don't have to be pulled on over my head (cause of the totally silly looking ponytail of wires I'm currently sporting.

You know that guy in Jabba the Hutt's ship that had what looked like a big snake wrapped around his head? That's what I look like right now.

I got my boy to promise to bring my digital camera tomorrow so I have pictures of this.

More later.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

So... Yeah.

I'm finishing up my last week of teaching this summer (sentences, Yay!) and trying to get everything together for some interviews and job applications and cleaning and hospital and getting my damn proposal done and stuff.

So things have been a little hectic.

Currently I'm chez writing program, waiting to interview for the assistant director position (I'll let you know if I get it).

Tonight the boy has call, so I will be catching dinner with Michael and running out to get some entertaining Belgian Beer that tastes like apples.

Tomorrow I will be going into the hospital for the weekend. (News on the seizure thing as I get it).

As an indicator of my current level of stress. I'm really REALLY looking forward to staying in the hospital. Eat whatever I want, no exercize, time to work on my dissertation, and not being able to leave the bed for, like, 4 days. I'm sure that this is just a teensy bit strange, but it sounds like heaven from this end.

I'm sure I'll update in the next day or so, so until then....