And they like it!
So the conference lady likes it - suggested modifications and said my work is "extremely interesting" - they are making their final decisions in September.
So perhaps I'll be at a conference after all.
In any case - today - LAUNDRY. It could be put off no longer. I'm not sure if I can explain to you what it means for me to do laundry - you see, I have enough clothing to last me for, quite literally, at least 4 months. If I do intermittent loads of jeans, at least 6 months. This works out so that if I wanted to wash all of the laundry in my apartment at one time I would have to wash about 15 loads easy. So I put it off and put it off - reaching further and further back in my closet for those outfits that I never wear so that I don't have to suck it up and do the big kahuna. Well - today was the day.
I always envied those people who have like 15 shirts and 10 pairs of pants (maybe 15 pairs of underwear and socks). That sounds so nice. My closet is a conglomeration of stuff people have bought for me, clothing my sister no longer wanted, and occasional thrift store purchases of my own. Seriously - I think I've only bought 3% of what is in there. Clearly I have to go through it, but clearly I am also a lazy ass and don't want to. The only person I know with more clothes than this is Becky, before whom my closet bows in shame. She has literally HUNDEREDS of pairs of shoes. eeep.
You can see where this leaves me. I'm sure that none of you wanted to know this much about my laundry habits.
So I'll update you on the crown - I'm currently attempting to decide what color the beads should be - aurora borealis, blue aurora, silver aurora, just plain blue, or black with rhinestone center.
This is a tough decision, and unfortunately the aluminum is too weak for me to make them interchangeable.
Any votes?
So perhaps I'll be at a conference after all.
In any case - today - LAUNDRY. It could be put off no longer. I'm not sure if I can explain to you what it means for me to do laundry - you see, I have enough clothing to last me for, quite literally, at least 4 months. If I do intermittent loads of jeans, at least 6 months. This works out so that if I wanted to wash all of the laundry in my apartment at one time I would have to wash about 15 loads easy. So I put it off and put it off - reaching further and further back in my closet for those outfits that I never wear so that I don't have to suck it up and do the big kahuna. Well - today was the day.
I always envied those people who have like 15 shirts and 10 pairs of pants (maybe 15 pairs of underwear and socks). That sounds so nice. My closet is a conglomeration of stuff people have bought for me, clothing my sister no longer wanted, and occasional thrift store purchases of my own. Seriously - I think I've only bought 3% of what is in there. Clearly I have to go through it, but clearly I am also a lazy ass and don't want to. The only person I know with more clothes than this is Becky, before whom my closet bows in shame. She has literally HUNDEREDS of pairs of shoes. eeep.
You can see where this leaves me. I'm sure that none of you wanted to know this much about my laundry habits.
So I'll update you on the crown - I'm currently attempting to decide what color the beads should be - aurora borealis, blue aurora, silver aurora, just plain blue, or black with rhinestone center.
This is a tough decision, and unfortunately the aluminum is too weak for me to make them interchangeable.
Any votes?
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