a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, August 09, 2004

The gods are with me.

So I got back my computer - (sigh of financial relief). She has a busted floppy drive and an irritating habit of deciding to not charge, but other than that she is as good as... er... old. Aforementioned sticker will be attached, wireless networking card will be bought, and jump drive will be aquired.

I should have warned them about the fact that when it starts up a dialog box appears stating "Ok to format c:\?" . This apparently took the repair guys aback when they first encountered my Windows modifications. Actually, they were eerily impressed with the extent of my modifications - apparently you need some kind of manual to decode the names of items on my desktop. Isabella (my computer) threw a small temper tantrum at the dest of the NSIT counter, rebooting cyclicly, refusing to recognise RAM, and telling me to reinstall my OS until someone apparently delivered the compuer "pat on the head" of starting her up in safe mode, shutting down, and then starting it up again normally. Totally pointless thing to do, but it worked. I personally think that this was her way of paying me back for the fingernail file incident. So we're even.

In secondary (but no less exciting) news (is any of this exciting? why do you read this?) - I have completed the aluminum portion of my crown (complete with insane numbers of brass rivets tacked in on my Ikea-catalog-turned-workbench Saturday. This means that I am now to the fun part of rhinestone and / or crystal decoration and various chain/bead combinations. Clearly I will be at this for awhile.

Other than that? This weekend was a visit from the boyfriend (charming as usual) and frantic studying for the German quiz that I clearly failed this morning. Kudos to the people at Giordanos for their fantastic pizza, and extra special joyfulness to Anais who turned 5 today (I believe).

The party was yesterday, and it was as awesomely fun as a party full of 5 year olds can be. I was variously a horse, a orc-dog, a princess, and some kind of mermaid throughout the course of playing with Anais's delightful little friends, and fun was had by all. Do you remember those little plastic jugs of unholy blue pure-sugar drinks called "Hugs"? I remember these from when I was like, 6, and thought that noone made them anymore, but Salinda had tons of them. Also, there was candy - enough said.

This week is looking very German-full and thrift-enhanced.

My mood is at 87.2% and rising.

And I'd just like to say that German pronounciation is getting more and more entertaining every day.


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