a pocket full of rhinestones

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

On my first and last day of hibernation.

Hello again - I'm quite proud of my current blogging efforts (I am blogging at least once a day) - Although I'm sure it lacks the small quality of prose that you have come to expect, like McDonalds I will make up for lack of quality with quantity. And so, I supersize my blog.

Today was so strange. I turned off my phone and read all day and actually got work done, dieted effectively, exercised, and cleaned my apartment.

Highly unusual for a KT these days. I remember when days like this used to be the norm. No more of them this week - busy busy.

Tomorrow down to HP for a teaching workshop as I am bound and determined to get that damn certificate this year if it kills me.

On the agenda for the week (a la Jett):

Orals reading:
- selections from The Critique of the Power of Judgment (Kant). 200pages
- Conjure Woman (Cooper). 235pages
- The Kit Bag, An Egyptian Hornet, The Inhabitant of the Room (Blackwood). 15pages each
- The Uncanny (Freud and Roye? Roya? Ro-somethingorother). 300?pages
- The Yellow Wallpaper & Why I wrote the Yellow Wallpaper (Gilman). 40pages
- Finding some critical sources for my Gothic list. Priceless

- Elections
- Babysitting
- Lunch
- Lunch again
- Apple Picking
- Boyfriend down for the weekend
- Workshop

Things to ponder:
- Why I seem to be Typhoid Mary to my Orals advisors. Think about it - Bill B., Lauren B., and Bill V. Clearly I am a danger and should be approached with extreme caution
- Why the temperature has suddenly plummeted, like, 20 degrees - leaving my apartment cold enough to refrigerate meat.
- Why the library continues to not have any of the books that I need and why for some damn reason people are recalling my books in the first week of the quarter (come on, people! no one is working this early.)
- Why insomnia is my new friend.
- Why I have this unending desire for cookies - particularly Molly's cookies with the cranberries in them and I know that she reads this blog so it might be a plea for cookies that I can pick up sometime if I see her in Racine or Madison or something ;)
- Why I have suddenly been seized with website apathy.
- Why I feel the need to make lists.

Ah well - sugar free instant vanilla jello pudding awaits.


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