a pocket full of rhinestones

Sunday, September 19, 2004


I just got back from IKEA after sending my sister on her merry trek back to Madison. We had a delightful weekend that contained all of the following (in any order you please)

cinnamon covered cashews
cheap booze
drying racks
estate jewelry
craft fair
pearl earrings
eating (obviously)
buying spices
48 solid hours of shopping
Having a wonderful time

I don't get to see her very often, so it is always cool to have her come down and spend some time. She came prepared too! I have, like, a list of 25 places in Chicago that I should visit because of her outstanding research.

And now, I am tired. Dead tired. I am also exhausted, beat, fall-down-sleepy, and mildly comatose.

So, of course, I am doing the one thing that requires the minimal amount of activity necessary to keep me awake - namely, blogging.

The retreat was Friday - exciting and yet confusing, amusing and yet sunburnt, informative and yet boring. I got the eerie feeling that I will remain in limbo regarding my appraisal of the whole affair. It went off nicely and yet it wasn't smashing or anything. Perhaps time will tell on this one. I must say, however, that the Indiana skyway (although expensive) is a great way to see the city skyline at night. I would also like to indicate that setting a lot of English students free with a ill-drawn map and instructions to return in an hour is a dangerous proposition (especially with unmarked roads). We all returned safe -n- sound, however, and I hope that my rental car is ok.

Now it is time to get back to business, buckle down, work, and variously whine. I'm ready - after I take a quick nap.


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