a pocket full of rhinestones

Monday, August 16, 2004

And I sat there on the floor thinking "huh - this kinda hurts - should I get up?"

So my posts have been rather bi-polar lately, one day up - one day down. Clearly rapid-cycling. My life isn't actually like a ride on the Viper at Great America, but I only chat at you every few days - so you get the highlights.

So today was not the best. Actually - it was pretty damn good except for this teensy little thing --- I think I broke my ankle.

Other than that I went out for delicious food at Tiffin (see previous post), hung out with the ever-charming Kerri and Karin, and got a lot of work done on my German. But, you see, this was vaguely overshadowed by the fact that my ankle has slowly swollen to the size of an apricot (or maybe a kiwi – why do people measure inflammation in fruit? really? When you think about that it’s rather strange – I think that your hardcore citrus fruits and melons is when it starts to get serious. I can imagine myself having the thought (which I had this afternoon) “it looks about apricot right now, so it can probably wait ‘til morning, but if it gets to orange, I’m going in – cantaloupe means ER.” )

This probably isn't good - and so I'll have to (in lieu of trotting over to the Evanston ER at 11:00 pm) wander down to the SCC at the U of C and say something along the lines of "er... I think I broke myself". And then they can scold me about how I should have gone to the ER. But really, folks, I'm not the kind of person who likes to deal with this sort of thing, and it doesn't really hurt all that bad, and I can walk on it, so it's probably just a fracture and well - these aren't really good excuses. So I'm betting I won't get a lot of studying done tomorrow which is frankly the last thing that I need right now.

Because I have a test on Thursday. And I have to annotate my dictionary and catch up on those - oh - 10 or so chapters I didn't finish earlier.

surly girl. And I'm blaming all of this on German because really it was that evil classroom that was the cause of all this trouble (fell down the stairs - the noise my foot made probably should've tipped me off that this was a more-serious-than-usual-KT-accident).

Perhaps it's just a sprain. Although I think it would be a grade 3 even if it were which (as my med-student boyfriend reminds me) "Still needs medical attention".

Urk. I'm going to bed now because I have to get up really early if I want a parking spot anywhere NEAR the hospital and I really really don't want to have to walk there.

Upon rereading - this is one of my more bitter posts. Let me just say this for the day - you know those honey balls in the rice pudding that I was talking about earlier? I had those today and they were extra-special delicious. And Karin is always cool to hang out with (it's like getting an audience with the Pope, that girl is so busy - but obviously, way more entertaining) And Kerri has been very kind helping me out all day and offering to help in the future.
So in all - I guess it wasn't such a bad day after all - Tomorrow, however? It will be a bitch.


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