a pocket full of rhinestones

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Two FabTastic things happened today ---

(1) German no more! Goodbye German! I loathe thee! I will be quickly forgetting all that I have learned with the possible exception of words that sound like naughty things.

*pause while KT formats c:\KT"S Brain\German\stuff*



In other news ---

(2) I got a tiara. I know that this doesn't mean anything to the rest of you, but I have wanted a tiara since I was, like, 2 - and I think that I might just wear it everywhere. Apparently it's copper base, plated in silver and bedecked with rhinestones. You will all see it tomorrow. In fact I am wearing it right now. I know - it's sad, but I feel pretty ---- oh so pretty....


Also, for anyone looking for cheap antique furniture, I know about this place that's going out of business and selling off shitloads of stuff.

Tomorrow will be spent hanging out in Evanston with the charming Kerri and her mother who is in from... er... wherever Kerri is from, and then getting dolled up for Stephanie's party (about which I am quite excited). Think 20's, folks.

Ok, I think that's it - As I commented on Jett's blog, I agree that the retreat thing is nasty, and I don't know if I have to go, but if I do - well - we'll all sneak in liqour and get drunk off our asses in an orchard (us kids from Wisconsin know how to make a real real big bonfire). We can toast - er - apples and make up stories about where else we could rather be, and maybe we can make up ghost stories about the U of C campus (as there are plenty of skeletons in closets and dead people in libraries to talk about).

Ah well.


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