a pocket full of rhinestones

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

What a day.

Ahhh.. it's all a clusterfuck again.

ah well.

At casa Katie we will be serving canned mushroom soup, leftover pineapple, diet pepsi, and my choice between a stunning array of sugar-free puddings. mmmmmmmmmmmm

Follow me on the tour:

Enter the front door - see that stack? That's mail that I've been ignoring - you say that some of it is printed with Ancient Eqyptian heiroglyphics? Don't touch it! That is my credit card bill and I need to pay it - your fingers may crumble the paper to dust - can't you see that it is ancient?

Walk carefully as you go - the floor is littered with random metal objects from hasty repairs and insane projects.

Enter the living room - notice the health rider that isn't being used? Yes I know that it was pointless to bring it down here when there are treadmills in the basement - yes I know that I never use it. But doesn't it look fantastic draped with my new reflex bow? Watch the pile of books there - it is high enough that the tremors from the l-train tend to cause small avalanches now and then. There's the computer - side panel removed for better airflow and papers strewn about to improve sanity - clearly not working. Yes, I know that the kitchen table is covered in jewelry - I can't keep it in the dental cabinet until said cabinet stops oxidizing the metal. No, for your own sake - don't look in the bedroom... or the bathroom.

What do I do all day so that my place looks like this? Well - today I was down at the department attempting to arrange website goodness. And Judy's party. And finding out that I need to go on the retreat (yay apples). And filling out forms. Bleah. I agree with Stephanie - cranky and antsy are the words of the day.


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