10th week again.
Everyone (including myself) has become a little flaky regarding social engagements, and so I had an unexpected afternoon free(ish) (really I should be studying, but what the hell - it's Memorial Day, I already had class and retrieved MANY sources from the Regenschtein, so I gave myself the afternoon off). As I was driving away from Hyde Park (having had NO luck whatsoever finding someone to goof off with) I saw Amber walking down the street. Feeling very much like a pimp, I pulled my car over to the side of the road, rolled down my window and said "jump in!". She jumped in, and within minutes we were cruising down Lakeshore Drive. Suddenly a gloomy, rainy day was full of interest - we went to Chinatown and had Dim Sum (a personal favorite - see previous posts), I bought a teacup (with dragons) and a fan (with flowers) and nearly got sick on dried pineapple. Between downpours, we scoured the shops looking for kitschy objects of amusement.
A totally frivolous and joyful (although expensive) day
To the man who said: "Can I walk under that umbrella with you two lovely ladies?" - I'm sorry I blew you off. It was pouring, and you were sleazy. I hope that you had the good sense to stay under that awning until it stopped raining.
I've found that, in addition to blogging more, I pick up a few strange habits when I'm stressed.
1- I will eat sugar-straight. Nothing is sweet enough for me: coffee, tea, and any other beverage gets AT LEAST a packet (I like the crunch). See: extra 10 pounds to be worked off this summer.
2- I spend considerably more time in coffeehouses. (Probably to avoid the apartment I don't have time to clean, and to procure liquid sugar: see #1)
3- I drive down random streets in search of... er... Gold? Antique stores? Coffeehouses? (see #2), ways to waste time?
4- I buy makeup (I don't have an explanation for this one, folks - it's just there)
5- I spend money like a drunken 14-year-old with her daddy's credit card (is it shiny? Yes? Then it's mine.)
6- I crave Taco Bell at 2:00am (punctually, within moments after they close)
7- I buy office supplies (I think that I think this makes me more productive - I think I'm wrong)
8- Mountain Dew
9- I carry around my paper materials as though they were some kind of talisman (my backpack weighs more every day, and yet - I can't take anything out)
10- I make lists.